ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO9172
Open Date: 14/03/2018
Closing Date: 27/04/2018 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 17.155.24
Prog. Ref.: EO-Science for Socie
Budget Ref.: E/E105-E5 – EO-Science for Socie
Tender Type: C
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Products: Satellites & Probes / Other
Techology Domains: Others
Establishment: ESRIN
Directorate: Directorate of EO Programmes
Department: Science, Applications & Climate Dep.
Division: Data Applications Division
Contract Officer: Guedel, Berenice
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 14/03/2018
Update Reason: Tender issue
Baltic+ aims at advancing towards the achievement of some of the most pressing priorities in Baltic science, where EO and ESA data may contribute. In particular, the main overarching project objective is threefold: 1) Supporting the development of novel EO-based products and enhanced data sets responding to the needs of the Baltic science community;2) Fostering new Earth system scientific results addressing the main priority areas of Baltic research, where space technology may provide a valuable input;3) Preparing a solid scientific basis for stating additional development activities addressing the priorities of the Baltic science community in thetimeframe 2019-2021. This Activity aims at contributing to the new ESA Baltic Initiative, with the ultimate goal to foster a coordinated approach to advance EO-based science, novel applications and data exploitation infrastructures serving the specific needs ofthe Baltic community through a strong collaboration with Baltic institutions and national and EU programmes. Baltic+ will focus on five separate Themes: Theme 1: Salinity dynamics; Theme 2: Land-Sea biogeochemical linkages; Theme 3: Baltic Sea Level Dynamics; Theme 4: Baltic sea 4D reconstruction; Theme 5: Geodetic SAR for Baltic Height System Unification.Within this Activity, ESA plans to support five independent studies (one for each of the above themes).
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