ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8835
Open Date: 08/12/2016
Closing Date: 03/02/2017 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 16.155.04
Prog. Ref.: EOEP- 4 Value Add.El
Budget Ref.: E/0097-E4 – EOEP- 4 Value Add.El
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Products: Satellites & Probes / Other
Techology Domains: Others
Establishment: ESRIN
Directorate: Directorate of EO Programmes
Department: Science, Appl & Future Technologies Dept
Division: Exploitation and Services Division
Contract Officer: Boisard, Nathalie
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 08/12/2016
Update Reason: Tender issue
ESA has been collaborating with the main International Financing Institutions (IFIs) since 2008 to demonstrate the benefits that EO-based information can bring to specific bank development projects. Over the next few years this collaboration will grow with largeractivities and with a longer-term and more strategic approach. In this context, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is interested to host a resident EO expert in ADB HQ (Manila, Philippines). This ITT is therefore to provide on-site EO support to ADB via a single consultant for a period of 2 years. The activities include: facilitating timely interaction with the ESA teams managing the set-up of larger-scale EO Service demonstrations in support of ADB projects, providing technical support in the area of Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) and their use in new ICT developments within ADB, and promoting increased take-up of EO-based services by a broader user base within the bank and its client states. The overall goal is to raise awareness of the full range of European EO capabilities; both missions (ESA, EUMETSAT, National missions) and the EO-based information services sector.
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