ESA Open Invitation to Tender: 1-10898
Open Date: 18/06/2021 16:12 CEST
Closing Date: 23/07/2021 13:00 CEST
“The enhanced goals for Sentinel-6NG requested by the Copernicus Climate Service (C3S) requirements are :EC-REQ-010, 0.1 mm/yr for the global mean sea level trend;EC-REQ-020 , 0.5 mm/yr for the regional mean sea level trends;EC-REQ-030, 05 mm/yr for the global mean sea acceleration.These requirements must be specified together with a suitable validation approach and appropriate apportionment to individual components to the Sentinel-6NG system to determine if the most appropriate approach to address the requirements is to improve the satellite system or to improve the elements associated with a sea level rise estimate. Specific aspects including regional/global differences and the uncertainty of the SSH field itself (as known from multi-mission altimetry and other means) must be included. As these goals (e.g. drift of 0.1 mm/yr) are very challenging, they must be apportioned based on evidence from sea level rise uncertainty budgets and apportionment of uncertainty components of relevant elements in the end-to-end sea level rise measurement system using a comprehensive uncertainty budget assessment. ASeLSU will study the feasibility for the Sentinel-6 Next Generation space component to address these new requirements by a full assessment of the Sentinel-6 Sea Level Rise Uncertainty Stability Budget using metrological best practices and procedures.”
Directorate: Directorate of EO Programmes
Estabilishment: ESTEC
ECOS Required: No
Classified: No
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Contracts Officer: Ana Doblas
Initiating Service: EOP-SM
IP Measure: N/A
Prog. Reference: E/A104-01 – FoundConcept Block 1
Tender Type: Open Competition
Technology Keywords: 26-OTHERS
Products Keywords: 5-Non Space Procurement/Services
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