ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO9128
Open Date: 27/09/2017
Closing Date: 31/12/2018 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 17.1TI.02
Prog. Ref.: ScyLight
Budget Ref.: E/0502-01A – ScyLight
Tender Type: C
Price Range: KEURO
Products: Satellites & Probes / Other
Techology Domains: Others
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate Telecom & Integrated Applica
Contract Officer: Germes, Franck
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 27/09/2017
Update Reason: Modified the Letter of Invitation (English version)
This first ScyLight Workplan has been established based on an ESA internal ARTES ScyLight Call for Ideas. It will be amended reflecting the findings from Industry Workshops or the consolidation process with stakeholders, like National Delegations, Operators, Service Providers, Satellite Manufacturers, Industry and experts which will take place in the next months. The activities have beenselected in line with the programme objectives for Line 1 (Common System and Technologies Activities) and Line 4 (Quantum Cryptography Technologies).Line 1 covers ESA-initiated market and system studies including optical transmission/propagation studies, as well as ESA coordination of user and expert groups (i.e. satellite primes, operators, service providers, industry) to define the roadmap and derive ESA Invitations to Tender (ITTs). This Line also covers ESA- initiated development activities on critical and commonlyrequired components and their validation, evaluation and in-orbit verification, and supports coordination efforts with standardization bodies.Line 4 is dedicated to Quantum Cryptography technologies and covers the related development as well as in-orbit and service demonstration, including Quantum Key Generation and Distribution systems, and the demonstration of related end-to-end systems.2.ImplementationPhasing: Phasing of the contractual activities may be considered depending on the risks associated with the development, the maturity of the technologies, and potential early market perspectives.Parallel Contracts: In accordance with the ARTES ScyLight Implementing Rules, parallel contracts can be awarded in ARTES ScyLight. Procurement Policy: The following procurementpolicies are foreseen for the proposed activities:C:Activities in open competition without any further restrictions. C1:Activities in open competition limited to non-Large System Integrators (LSIs) as prime. LSIs are allowed to participate as sub-contractors.C2:Activities are in open competition, where a significant participation of non-LSIs is requested.C3:Activity restricted to SMEs RD organisations, preferably in cooperation.C4:Activities in open competition, subject to the SME subcontracting clause.Priority: The activities comprising the ScyLight Work Plan are designated as either Priority 1 or 2. The assignment of activities into these categories is not a declaration of technological, commercial or programmatic priority. Instead, it simply indicates whether an activity requires a prior request from a Delegation for the ITT to be generated and released. ITTs for activities designated Priority1 will automatically be generated by the Executive. The planned ITT issue dates are indicated in Annex 1, however Priority 1 activities for which industry and/or Delegations declare an interest will be implemented as a priority. Such interest can be notified directly to the ARTES ScyLight Programme Office.Invitations to tender for activities designated Priority 2 will only be initiated either:on the explicit request of at least one delegation; oron the initiative of the Executive following consultation of the JCB.
If you wish to access the documents related to the Invitation to Tender, you have to log in to the ESA Portal.