23, July 2014

PROJECT TITLE: Hyperspectral Image Feature Extraction Tools — HIFET

Coordinator: National Institute for Aerospace Research –INCAS-Elie Carafoli 

Partners: –

Period: November 2012 – June 2014

Project director: Daniela Baran  

Project team: Dr. Mat. Baran Daniela, IT Specialist I Apostolescu Nicolae, CS I Oprisiu Cornel, CS I Ursu Ioan, CS Sperea Florentin, IT I Tataru Simion, CS III Toader Adrian, CS Dobrescu Bogdan, CS Tudose Mihai, Asist. Cerc. Burghiu Adrian

Description: Hyperspectral image analysis is one of the most powerful and fastest growing technologies in the field of space research. Hyperspectral imaging sensors measure the radiance of the materials within each pixel area at a very large number of contiguous spectral wavelength bands.The spectral information available in a hyperspectral image (cube) may serve to classify the nature of the target because every material had a unique fixed spectrum and could be used as a spectral signature of the material and perhaps provide additional information for further processing and exploitation. 

Project objectives:

The main objective of the Project is to develop software tools based on nonlinear unsupervised methods for hyperspectral image feature extraction.

Secondary objective: The results of this Project contribute to the Romanien research community to integrate in European Space Agency (ESA) regarding hyperspectral imaging activities.

The project directly addresses the enhancement research potential in area of the environment analyses. Add knowledge to a knowledge base image classification


  • WP1 – A survey of image classification methods and commercial software
  • WP2 – A nonlinear unsupervised method for hyper spectral image feature extraction 
  • WP3 – Original software tools for hyper spectral image feature extraction 
  • WP4 – Implementation, testing and validation software tools ( spectral library tools)

Contributions to the STAR programme objectives:

A complex interdisciplinary team with high experience on above mentioned disciplines ensures the competences of project implementation, considered that ambitious and with important level of originality. The perspectives of project’s results usage have a positive impact for the researches as it can be considered as a technologic niche fitted for a further development with a very important role in re-launching the Romanian space applications. The project directly addresses the enhancement research potential in area of the environment analyses, its primary impact being skill, education and increasing of young researchers training. These assume a better integration in European Research Area- Improved

By using the software tools developed, the costs for hyper data feature extraction will be considerably reduced (it is estimated at 8-11%). Also, this project contribute to: 

increased R&D capacity of the INCAS institute and to turn knowledge into business opportunities as contribution to national economic and social development; 

improved potential to participate in FP7 projects; 

develop the research infrastructures which play an increasing role in advanced of knowledge, technology and their exploitation. 

Homepage: HIFET