ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8480
Open Date: 27/10/2015
Closing Date: 07/12/2015
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 15.1TF.09
Prog. Ref.: ARTES 1 VI
Budget Ref.: E/0501-01B – ARTES 1 VI
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate Telecom & Integrated Applica
Department: Telecom Technologies,Product&Systems Dep
Division: Future Projects Division
Contract Officer: Dean, Andrea
Last Update Date: 27/10/2015
Update Reason: Tender issue
The activity will be implemented with the goal of providing maximum interactions during execution through workshops coordinated by the Contractor with actors from the media, IT and terrestrial telecommunication sectors. The introduction of a number of satellites and constellations together could also create the need to review the radio regulations as well mitigation and management of debris; these subjects are also addressed. The first objective of this activity is to define the strategic roadmap of the European & Canadian industry of the telecommunication space sector taking into account the recent evolutions and the anticipated evolving needs of theterrestrial stakeholders of the information technology and media industries. Reference integration scenarios of space-base systems (HAPS, LEO, MEO, GEO) with future terrestrial systems (5G and beyond), including mapping of the identified services by the IT & media sector on the various reference architectures. The benefits of the integration of space assets will be evaluated against expected return on investment assessment for each of the actors of the value chain. Each and every space-based system has its genuine and associated constraints of usage with respect to the requirements of the service provider (cost of capacity, capacity per user, number of users, quality – latency -). A team of recognised European Content & Service Providers, and Solution Providers from the SatelliteSector will be gathered. From initial reference integration scenarios, detailed requirements will be generated towards the selectedclass of satellite solutions (a) Integration requirements (interfaces), (b) Performances (c) Target prices of CAPEX / OPEX for the different segments (infrastructures, users), with a view to positioning the role of the satellite industry in the evolving telecommunication sector. In parallel to the definition and the assessment of reference integration scenarios, satcom reference architectures will be defined from the supply-side viewpoint, so as to provide a first assessment of the European offer and future needs/plans leading to a development roadmap, as well as performances of the each of the network segments (HAPS, LEO, MEO, GEO). CAPEX & OPEX will be also estimated for each segment so as to as permit the evaluation of the economic benefits of the integration of each of the segments in the complete value chain as addressed in the previous activity. On the basis of the selected architectures, the consortium will produce a development roadmap and associated product plans and first level estimates of needs in terms of new technological developments and R&D financial support in order to provide the market with the corresponding solutions as soon as 2020 and beyond. Another objective will be for the industry to identify any requirements for access to additional spectrum and requiring actions with international regulatory authorities either for additional spectrum allocations for the exclusive use by satellite services (Broadcasting, Fixed or Mobile) or for specific accommodation of existing allocations of the spectrum to be shared with terrestrial services. The recent development of non-geostationary orbiting (NGSO) satellite systems in the area of telecommunication has highlighted that regulations that had been developed for a limited number of satellites, for a reduced number of systems and assuming the use ofcertain technologies may not be the correct assumptions any more: several hundreds to several thousands satellites constellations are proposed with reduced life time leading for instance the integration of COTS terrestrial technologies and associated processes, targeting reduced costs. The probability for high interference between NGSO-satellite systems will increase, and the constraints for sharing between NGSO-satellites systems and other type of networks (Geostationary – GSO, or terrestrial) will become more complex. Technical and procedural meas ures have been put iin place in the radio regulations (WRC-97 and WRC-01) to allow frequency sharing in Ku and Ka between NGSO satellites and GSO satellites, as well as between NGSO satellites and terrestrial services. This task willconsist in reviewing these measures and their adequacy with respect to the need of the satellite community. Should additional needsbe defined, or should these measures be modified, a justified workplan targeting National Radio Agencies, the European Communication Committee as well as ITU will be defined so as to allow adequate updated measures to be adopted by WRC-19 and following WRCs. Debris mitigation will have to be reviewed as a third objective. Even if the new NGSO satellites are carefully designed to avoid an undue explosion of debris, end-of-life disposal will have to be managed, and unscheduled events shall also be taken into account by theentire community to avoid the propagation of catastrophic events that would impend the future use of space. This will have to be done with careful consideration into the specific requirements of the telecommunication networks, in terms of number of satellites butalso cost/affordability constrains related to capital and operational expenditures by private investors and Operators. The task will review the International and European guidelines for the design of spacecraft and associated ground segment in controlling the corresponding spacecraft, in the context of development of large number of satellites, and a number of large and diverse telecommunication constellations. The purpose is to review the system engineering and design best practices at spacecraft level. A second purposewill be to review operational measures to remove debris in the event of actual triggering of such an event, compatible with the telecommunication financial and operational constraints. A third purpose will review the needs and requirements for Space Situational Awareness, due to the number and nature of objects, and the needs for reacting. This task will be closely coordinated with the CleanSpace Office, SSA and e.Deorbit activities already on-going or planned in ESA. The contracted teams shall also rely on senior experts of the satellite industry, acquainted with rapid costing, design & roadmap generation techniques, and demonstrating their knowledge of current technologies and products roadmaps.
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