SPOT Day 16 aprilie 2007
17, aprilie 2007

Bucureşti 16 Aprilie 2007 SPOT Day Program & Prezentări


9.15 Introduction and Welcome (Marius-Ioan PISO/Alexandru BADEA – ROŞA)

9.30 Session 1 dedicated to the satellite solution

Spot Image GENERAL presentation (Eric DUCLOS-GENDREU-SISA) (.pdf 4332 Kb)
SPOT product and solution (Eric DUCLOS-GENDREU-SISA)
3D SPOT Romanian naţional coverage (Eric DUCLOS-GENDREU-SISA)

11.20 Session 2 dedicated to the use of our satellite solution

Environment application (Ghislain GONZALES-SISA/ Alberto SIMION MEWM/ Jaky DUFOUR-KLM) (.pdf 1393Kb)
Risk management and land use (Ghislain GONZALES-SISA/ Iulia DANA-ROSA ) (.pdf 1572Kb)
Linear infrastructure, Urban planning, Land management and construction Industry (Ghislain GONZALES-SISA/ Radu MUDURA / Doru MIHAI-CRUTA ) (.pdf 4742Kb)
Agriculture (Ghislain GONZALES-SISA/ Roxana VINTILA-ICPA/ Elena SAVIN-ANM) (.pdf 884Kb)
Defence (Ghislain GONZALES-SISA / Dan RADUCANU –ATM ) (.pdf 1511Kb)