Heads of Space Agencies Summit Washington DC, USA
17, noiembrie 2010
The International Academy of Astronautics hosted landmark Heads of Space Agencies Summit in Washington , D.C. on the occasion of its 50th anniversary.
Heads of Space Agencies during the reading of the Summit declaration by IAA Secretary General, Dr. Jean-Michel Contant

Four IAA studies – In Preparation for the Head of Space Agencies Summit:
In anticipation to the Head of Space Agencies Summit four studies have been prepared in less than one year by the International Academy of Astronautics. The studies have been presented during the morning program by the study group leaders and discussed during breakout sessions.
The IAA studies are available here:
 – Human Spaceflight,
 – Planetary Robotic Exploration,
 – Disaster Management, and
 – Climate Change.
Presentation of the four IAA Studies during the Summit:
 – Human Spaceflight: Dr. Giuseppe Reibaldi, Dr. Scott Pace
 – Planetary Robotic Exploration: Dr. Gregg Vane
 – Climate Change: Mr. John Mankins, Mr. Max Grimard
 – Disaster Management: Dr. Ranganath Navalgund, Dr. Valery Menshikov
Acad. Giuseppe Reibaldi, Acad. Gregg Vane, Acad. John Mankins, Acad. Ranganath Navalgund 
IAA Summit Overview and Goal:
The Academy, an independent organization, was founded in 1960 and led by some of the most famous space pioneers such as Von Karman, Oberth, Von Braun, Halley, Van Allen, Keldish, Sänger, Draper, Mueller, Gagarin, Armstrong, Aldrin, Sedov, Broglio, Curien, etc. On the occasion of its IAA 50th anniversary, a „Heads of Space Agencies” Summit was held on November 17, 2010 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington DC USA, with the primary support of Lockheed Martin Corporation and supporting sponsorship from EADS Astrium and Space News.
The goal of the 2010 IAA Summit was to reach a broad consensus on international cooperation and coordination at the highest level and consider new concrete initiatives of cooperation in the four areas identified by the IAA Board of Trustees: (i) Human Spaceflight, (ii) Planetary / Lunar Exploration, (iii) Disaster Management / Natural Hazards, and (iv) Climate Change / Green Systems. It is the Academy intent to avoid any duplication of on-going efforts (e.g., Global Exploration Strategy, Group on Earth Observations) but rather to foster closer and broader international coordination across the four topics areas to strengthen the effectiveness and support of global space activities.
IAA Summit Achievement:
The Summit gathered:
– 30 Heads of Space Agencies along with
– 500+ Academicians, world leaders and experts.
All heads of agencies have welcomed the IAA SUMMIT DECLARATION (AVAILABLE HERE) and highlighted the need to foster closer international cooperation across four topic areas to strengthen the effectiveness and support of global space activities. This declaration was the result of 8 months of preparation coordonated by the Summit Program Manager Mrs. Corinne Jorgenson.
Opening Ceremony speech by:
Mr. James Steinberg, Deputy Secretary of State representing Mrs. Hillary Clinton Secretary of State of the United States
Welcome Message by
IAA Academician Abdul Kalam, former President of India welcoming the summit (via video message)
Summit Introduction speech by
IAA Academician Leonid Kuchma, former President of Ukraine
Summit Moderator
IAA Academician Walter Kroell, former Head of the German Space Agency (DLR)
Heads of Space Agencies Welcoming the IAA Summit Declaration:
Dr. Steve MacLean, President, Canadian Space Agency – IAA Academician Jan Kolar, Director, Czech Space Office – IAA Academician Jean-Jacques Dordain, Director General, European Space Agency
IAA Academician Yannick d’Escatha, President, French Space Agency – IAA Academician Johann Dietrich WÖrner, chairman of the Executive Board of the German Aerospace Center – Dr. Zvi Kaplan, Director General, Israel Space Agency – from left to right
IAA Academician Enrico Saggese, President, Italian Space Agency – IAA Academician Keiji Tachikawa, President, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency – IAA Academician Charles Bolden, Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration – from left to right
IAA Academician Talgat Musabayev, Chairman, Kazakhastan Space Agency – Dr. Ger Nieuwpoort, Director, Netherland Space Office – IAA Academician Marius Ioan Piso, Chief Executive Officer, Romanian Space Agency – from left to right
IAA Academician Anatoly Perminov, Director, Russian Federal Space Agency – H.H.Prince Dr. Turki Saud Mohammed Al-Saud, Vice President, Research Institutes – IAA Academician Yuri Alekseyev, Director General, Ukraine Space Agency – from left to right
David Parker representing David Williams, Chief Executive, UK Space Agency – IAA Academician Ranganath Navalgund representing IAA Academician Koppillil Radhakrishnan, Chairman, Indian Space Research Organization – Dr. Conrado Varotto, Director Executive, Argentina Space Agency- from left to right
Dr. Carlos Ganem, President, Brazilian Space Agency – Dr. Juan Fernando, Director Executive, Chilean Space Agency – IAA Academician Seidu Oneila Mohammed, Director General, Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency- from left to right
IAA Academician Geir Hovmork, Deputy Director General, representing Dr. Bo Andersen, Director General, Norwegian Space Center – Dr. Darasri Dowreang, Director, National Space Agency of Thailand (GISTDA) – Mary Kicza, representing Jane Lubchenko, Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – from left to right
Pham Anh Tuan representing Prof. Chau Van Minh, President, Vietman Academy of Science and Technology
Summit Management: In order to prepare the Summit, a Steering Committee was established to address program management and logistics.
Chair: Dr. Madhavan Nair, IAA President
Summit Coordinator: Dr. Jean-Michel Contant, IAA Secretary General
Co-Chair Steering Committee: Mrs. Corinne Jorgenson, President, Advancing Space and Mrs. Mary Snitch, Director, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Summit Program Manager: Mrs. Corinne Jorgenson, President, Advancing Space
Summit Steering Committee Members: Mr. Brian Duffy, Vice President, Space Systems, Lockheed Martin Corporation, USA Mr. Max Grimard, Vice President, Deputy Head Strategy & Business Development, EADS Astrium, France Prof. Koichi Ijichi, Managing Director, Institute For Unmanned Space Experiment Free Flyer, Japan Prof. Seishiro Kibe, Director Innovative Technology Research Center, ARD, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan Dr. Shri Koteswara Rao, Astronautical Society of India, India Dr. Karlheinz Kreuzberg, Head Director General’s Cabinet, European Space Agency Mr. John Mankins, President, Artemis Innovation Management Solutions, USA Prof. Keiken Ninomiya, Professor Emeritus, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan Prof. Dr. Yury Razoumny, General Director, COSMOEXPORT Aerospace Research Agency, Russia Prof. Kuninori Uesugi, Professor Emeritus, ISAS/ Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan Dr. Oleg Ventskovsky, Director, Yuzhnoye SDO European Representation, Ukraine