29, aprilie 2022

ESA Open Invitation to Tender: 1-11220
Open Date: 26/04/2022 10:40 CEST
Closing Date: 07/06/2022 13:00 CEST

The European Space Security and Education Centre (ESEC) is a site under the programmatic responsibility of the Directorate of European, Legal and International Matters (D/ELI).ESEC hosts activities conducted by several ESA Directorates: OPS uses ESEC to operate a fleet of small satellites for Earth- and Solar Observation (PROBA, ALTIUS), to operate the ESTRACK REDU1 antenna system (used to support the Galileo Programme) and to operate a data centre for Space Situational Awareness (SSA). ESEC also provides hosting services for several antenna installations of the EU Galileo programme. These services are locally managed by OPS who holds a related contract with the Galileo Service Operator (GSOp). ESA’s Navigation programme maintains a base at ESEC to support In Orbit Testing (IOT) and engineering activities and ESA’s Education Programme has a strong presence at ESEC where it operates its Training Centre, wherein it delivers technology related courses to primary/secondary level teachers; dispenses a varied portfolio of space science and engineering related training sessions to university students and provides integration and environmental test services for educationalprojects in its CubeSat Support Facility.Cyber resilience related activities in the context of the Space Cyber Centre of Excellence (SCOE) and the Cyber Security Operation Centre (C-SOC) are ramping up at ESEC in the 2021 to 2025 timeframe. Since 2007, with an intent to benefit from synergies at this small ESA Centre, all the industrial support services for the maintenance and operations of ESEC are procured under one single contract with the company Redu Space Services (RSS), including a broad range of different type of tasks and undertakings: e.g., from maintenance of buildings/infrastructure, frequency licence management, exploitation of ground infrastructures, logistics and engineering support, cleaning catering. This contract comes to its nominal term in June 2022, with a six-months extension until end of 2022 to allow a proper hand-over to a new provider. In order to support the evolution of the Centre towards the new endeavours and strategic lines of activities that are currently under development, and as well to benefit from the implementation of corporate operating models in the areas of facility management and technical support services, the procurement approach devised for the work covered under current contract foresees 2 separate procurement actions addressing separately the Facility management elements from all the other technical services required for the operations of the site. For the continuation of the remaining technical services in support to the activities at the site, a dedicated procurement action. The Agency will select and award one or more Frame Contract(s) to bidding companies or consortia on the basis of the specialised competences and programmes of work offered for each individual work order.

Estabilishment: ESTEC
ECOS Required: No
Classified: No
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Authorised Contact Person: Susana Fernandez San Roman
Initiating Service: ELI-R
IP Measure: N/A
Prog. Reference: EDU – ESA Education Progr; E/0798-RU – Redu Hosting; E/0078-00 – Earthnet; E/0081-01 – Earth Watch-PROBA-V; E/0717-01 – S2P P1 Space Weather; N/A – N/A Fund; E/0310-810 – Galileo ESA MFF fix
Tender Type: Open Competition
Technology Keywords: 26-OTHERS
Products Keywords: 5-Non Space Procurement/Services

If you wish to access the documents related to the Invitation to Tender, you have to log in to the ESA Portal.