ESA Open Invitation to Tender: 1-11116
Open Date: 16/12/2021 14:11 CEST
Closing Date: 10/02/2022 13:00 CEST
The ATHENA Fixed Metering Structure (FMS) is the large structural element of the spacecraft that ensures the required spacing between the Mirror Assembly Module (MAM) and the Science Instruments Module (SIM). It consists in a number of conic sections designed to achieve the 12 m focal length, optimised for the required structural performance (compatibility with the launcher stay-out zones and the minimisation of the loads). This activity shall fund the design, manufacture and test of a demonstrator of the FMS (potentially one of the conic sections) with the goal of building the necessary capability for its future implementation during the flight programme. The technological choice shall be compatible with at least one for the spacecraft prime solutions proposed during the ongoing phase B1 studies.
Directorate: Directorate of Science
Estabilishment: ESTEC
ECOS Required: No
Classified: No
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Authorised Contact Person: Pauline Maud Bastie
Initiating Service: SCI-F
IP Measure: N/A
Prog. Reference: E/0401-01G – CTP GeoR Sp.Measures
Tender Type: Open Competition
Open To Tenderers From: AT
Technology Keywords: 20-B-I-Advanced Material Technologies for Stable Structures / 20-B-II-Joining and Mounting Technologies
Products Keywords: 2-N-all.1-a-Central tubes, Bars and rods,… / 2-N-all.1-e-Rings
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