19, octombrie 2018

ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO9577
Open Date: 15/10/2018
Closing Date: 26/11/2018 13:00:00

Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 18.178.03
Prog. Ref.: N/A Fund
Budget Ref.: N/A – N/A Fund
Tender Type: C
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Products: Non Space Procurement/Services
Techology Domains: Others
Establishment: ESAHQ
Directorate: Director General’s Services
Department: Corporate Development Office
Division: Strategy Department
Contract Officer: Pages, Christian
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 15/10/2018
Update Reason: Tender issue

The activities to be performed by the selected contractor shall therefore include:The provision of the complete portfolio containing the published information and documentation (commonly called the Portfolio of published titles). In particular:oThe subscription and payment, in the name of ESA and on behalf of ESA, of journals and other goods of any origin, in any format or in any kind ofmedia (monographs, print journals, print journals with online access, e-journals and e-packages, online knowledge resources, loose leaf publications, …).oManagement of subscriptions with the publishers.oDelivery by mail, online or electronic media of customised reports. oSupport to ESA for accessing and using the above.The portfolio management, including the documentation servicingand allaspects of their preparation, their maintenance and their quality control.The provision of the service personnel for the’live libraries’ and all the tasks necessary to distribute information and documentation to the library users.The transformation into a more digital library with enhanced services in line with new Knowledge and Learning Centres objectives The close collaboration with corporate knowledge management activities.

If you wish to access the documents related to the Invitation to Tender, you have to log in to the ESA Portal.