8, august 2016

ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8720
Open Date: 03/08/2016
Closing Date: 28/09/2016 13:00:00

Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 16.112.02
Prog. Ref.: TRP
Budget Ref.: E/0901-01 – TRP
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Products: Ground Segment / Ground Station / Baseband equipment / Telemetry and Telecommand equipment, Tracking, Ranging and Doppler measurement equipment, CODECS, …
Technology Domains: Optoelectronics / Detector Technologies / Infrared detectors. (NIR¿FIR)
Ground Station Systems and Networks / Ground Station System / Microwave and Optical Active/Passive Systems
Establishment: ESOC
Department: Ground Systems Engineering Department
Division: Ground Station Systems Division
Contract Officer: Bednarek, Maren
Industrial Policy Measure: C1 – Activities in open competition limited to the non-Larg…
Last Update Date: 03/08/2016
Update Reason: Tender issue

Optical communications technology offers the potential of a dramatic increase in data rates, specifically in the down-link of science data, thereby allowing for a substantial increase in science return. Direct detection technology using pulse position modulation (PPM) is regarded as the preferred solution for „deep space” optical links. The two primary wavelength bands being considered are 1064nm and 1550nm. Among the challenges to be addressed prior to any implementation of an operational Deep-Space optical terminal is a highly sensitive, high-bandwidth optical detector. Single-photon counting detection capability is required for distances of severa lAU, and offers the best link efficiency even for much shorter distances (e.g. Moon). The objective of this activity is to develop and characterize a near-single-photon-counting quadrant (4 pixel) detector as communications receiver for photon-starved direct-to-ground optical satellite links that is also capable of high-bandwidth tracking. The development is performance oriented and does not focus on a particular detector technology. Candidate technologies are envisaged to be APDs in HgCdTe (MCT) or other suitable materials (such as InGaAs, AlGaAs, …), IPDs, or Super-conducting nano-structures (nano-wires).C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news (dated 05/02/2001) „Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes”

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